Automated Support Service

Help yourself in minutes. Don't wait hours or days for support.



to any link

Add the query.

Launch support service.

Identify the issue.


Automatically detect Attributes on the page

Quickly reference documentation

Success state when Attributes is set up correctly

Explain your desired configuration

Include multiple instances

Error messages with actionable directions to fix the issue

More info about ASS

Only works on links.

Will never run on a custom domain name.

Available in all projects using Attributes.

No additional scripts or installation.

Does not impact load time or Attributes performance.

Actively maintained for all Attributes solutions.

ASS = Automated Support Service.

Human support available for Finsweet + users.

Add the query to your url

Generate a url

copy icon
Copy url
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Create a browser bookmark

Create a new bookmark with the following code as the url.
When clicking on the bookmark, your current browser url will reload with ?fs-attributes-support=true
copy icon
Copy code

Get human support for Attributes.

Human support expectations:

We will always do our best to help you with your implementation.

There is no guarantee that support can fix your issue. There is no guarantee for response time.

Attributes and human support will not always satisfy your unique use case.

You should always try using the Automated Support Service before human support. In most cases, you can solve your own problem in less time than human support.

Human support = A human will always do their best to help you with your implementation.

Live support is offered in the Finsweet Forum.

Having problems joining Slack? Email [email protected]