Community Guidelines

Joe here. Please give me a few minutes of your time to read this. We’re going to give you many minutes of ours.
We’re doing something crazy. Thank you for being part of it. We created Sweet JS to grow the Webflow community - and to start the Finsweet community. We’re doing this to help you. We’re doing this to help ourselves. Everybody is going to benefit from Sweet JS.

We will be strict with our Community Guidelines, so please make sure you understand them before using Sweet JS. Finsweet is offering free technical javascript support. We’re F’in crazy. With crazy comes rules.
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Rule #1
We offer javascript support on Finsweet products only.

Webflow Hacks , CMS Library , and many more Finsweet products are covered under Sweet JS support.

We will not support any other scripts or libraries outside of Finsweet’s publicly released javascript.

Rule #2
If Sweet JS helps you in a big way - please say it.
Say it Loud!

Say thanks to Sweet JS when you’re shouting out your project on social media. Tell a friend about it. Tell a stranger about it. Suggest Finsweet products and Sweet JS in the Webflow forums and community groups.

That’s how you can help us.
You can
  • Ask why your code isn’t working
  • Ask if something is possible with one of our Hacks or Library components
  • Ask for a reasonable customization to a Hack or Library implementation
  • Give us suggestions for any of our code, implementations, or service
  • Request new Hacks or Library Components
  • Send us your finished product! We’d love to see it
  • Always be nice. Say thanks, be polite
sweetjs help message
You can NOT
  • Ask for help with other scripts, libraries, or implementations that Finsweet has not created. We’re serious about this one. This is a free service. We have to be smart about what we’re doing.
  • Ask for customizations and add-ons that require significantly more work past the original Hack or Library component. We will not build a custom functionality for you. We will not spend hours developing a customization for you. That’s not what Sweet JS is.
  • Ask for help with Webflow issues that are unrelated to our javascript code. The developers helping you are javascript developers. You’re not talking to designers and deep Webflow users. No CSS questions, no styling questions, no layout questions, absolutely no Webflow Interactions questions. The only exception is if our code is directly related to it.
  • Be rude
sweetjs I need helpsweetjs help me message

Thank you for your time! Enjoy!

Joe Krug | Founder, Finsweet