Hack #36
MemberStack - Redirect to same page after signup or login
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rebuilt as Hacks in TypeScript
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Show a custom success message in a Webflow Form default Success state
Show a custom success message in a Webflow Form when using a url redirect within your site
Count and display the amount of items in a Webflow Collection List
Create dynamic Webflow CMS generated anchor links
Customize CMS item filtering parameters with Webflow CMS text fields
Use a GIF as a page preloader AND only show it once per day
Customize Favicon for a specific page
Create a 404 instant redirect to homepage
Use 100% custom slider dots for Webflow Slider component
Use Interactions and cookies to only play your loading animation once per day
Dynamically submit page url through a Webflow web form submission
Run a function on button click with javascript and jquery
Create a back button with href javascript or jquery click function
Automatically show current year in footer with span and js
Remove anchor link id tag and # on urls within the same page
Remove anchor link id tag and # on urls when loading a page
Use a plus minus counter on your Webflow form
Reject gmail and other non-business emails from form submission
Submit checkboxes, radios, and select as text fields in Mailchimp
Create sub bullet lists inside a Rich Text element
Create an age gate to confirm the user's age
Show and format the current date
Show and format the current time
Detect the user's browser and run a function
Detect the user's mobile OS and run a function
Run different functions on desktop vs mobile
Run different scripts on desktop vs mobile
Put input field text into a text block for fun personalization
Show user's name in a Webflow Form success message
Remove static title of a CMS Dynamic List when there are no items in the list
MemberStack - Add classes based on logged in state
MemberStack - Allow users to like or save items
MemberStack - Insert user's name to a text block
MemberStack - Password confirm validation with Webflow Interactions
MemberStack - Set and save user profile avatars
MemberStack - Redirect to same page after signup or login
Open the last tab the user had open when they revisit the page
Run a Webflow Interaction after successful form submission
Copy a link query from a third party link and add it to links on your site
As the user is typing in an input, show the input text in a text block
Add active dot to active anchor section link
Use checkbox to create a pricing calculator on a Webflow form
Use radio to create a pricing calculator on a Webflow form
Use select to create a pricing calculator on a Webflow form
Use checkbox, radio and select to create a pricing calculator on a Webflow form
Create a profit margin calculator with a Webflow form
Pricing Calculator: Manual text input - Addition
Pricing Calculator: Manual text input - Subtraction
Pricing Calculator: Manual text input - Multiplication
Pricing Calculator: Range slider
Pricing Calculator: CMS - Addition
Load Webflow Interactions per user session
Dynamically change the content of a landing page based on the URL parameter
CMS checkbox boxes with dynamic name and ID
Custom slider dots for CMS Library Slider component
Internet Explorer browser check pop-up modal
Time stamps for videos in Webflow CMS
Time stamps for videos on Webflow