Using SHIFT + SPACE to write to a text area
In this example we use the keydown() function to detect key combinations that write to a text area: In the example above we check if SHIFT + SPACE have been pressed by using the if condition. event.shiftKey checks for the SHIFTkey andevent.keyCode === 32 checks for the SPACE key
Live demo
<div id="minidivpage" class="example-live"><div id="message" class="box">This is some text inside of a div block.</div><div class="w-form"><form id="email-form" name="email-form" data-name="Email Form" method="get" aria-label="Email Form"><textarea placeholder="Example Text" maxlength="5000" id="field" name="field-2" data-name="Field 2" class="w-input"></textarea></form><div class="w-form-done" tabindex="-1" role="region" aria-label="Email Form success"><div>Thank you! Your submission has been received!</div></div><div class="w-form-fail" tabindex="-1" role="region" aria-label="Email Form failure"><div>Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.</div></div></div><div style="display:none;" id="hiddenMessage" class="box">This is a hidden message.</div></div>
$(document).ready(function() {