Automatic Scroll
In this example we press an scroll button to automatically scroll down our list The animate function is used to animate() the scroll movement. We add the scrollTop and value $('#color-list').prop("scrollHeight") to describe animation limits to the height of our list.
Live demo
<style>#color-list{max-height: 120px; overflow-y: scroll;}</style><div id="minidivpage" class="example-live"><h4 class="heading-4">Scroll this list:</h4><ul id="color-list" role="list" class="list"><li>Purple</li><li>Blue</li><li>Magenta</li><li>Pink</li><li>Black</li><li>Red</li><li>Green</li></ul><div id="position" class="box">This is some text inside of a div block.</div><a href="#" class="button-3 w-button demo-button">Scroll</a></div>
$(document).ready(function() {