Moving a mouse over of an element is a mouseover event.
Moving a mouse out of an element is a mouseout event. The functions mouseover() and mouseout() are often used in conjunction with each other to respond to mouse over and out events on the web page.
In this example we move the mouse over the gray area div to change its background color.
Live demo
<style>.pop-up{background-color:#5d6373; padding: 1rem;}</style><div id="minidivpage" class="example-live"><div id="popUp" class="pop-up">Gray Area</div><h4 class="heading-4">Colours in a webflow list:</h4><ul role="list" class="list"><li>Purple</li><li>Blue</li><li>Magenta</li><li>Pink</li><li>Black</li><li>Red</li><li>Green</li></ul></div>
$(document).ready(function() {