The mousedown event happens when you click a mouse button but do not release it.
The mouseup event occurs after you release the mouse button that you just clicked. These events are often used in conjunction with each other and offer more granular control than the click event.
For example, we might want to hide some tag only when the hide button is pressed. Such code will look like this:
Live demo
<div id="minidivpage" class="example-live"><div class="w-row"><div class="w-clearfix w-col w-col-1"><h1 id="counter-value" class="heading-6">0</h1></div><div class="w-col w-col-2"><a id="counter" href="#" class="button-2 w-button">Hide</a></div><div class="column-2 w-col w-col-9"><div id="hidden-text" class="box">Password Hidden text</div></div></div></div>
$(document).ready(function() {