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This util is used to copy the data of a Webflow component which can then be pasted into Webflow designer directly.

element: HTMLElementThe element to trigger the copy
copyData: Record<string, unknown>The JSON data of the element that needs to be copied
successText?: stringText to showcase on successful copy
errorText?: stringText to shocase when an error occurs while copying
successCSSClass?: stringClass to be added on the element on successful copy.

How to get copyData?

  1. Open your webflow designer
  2. Paste this code in your dev tools console
document.addEventListener('copy', ({ clipboardData }) => {
  const webflowData = clipboardData.getData('application/json');

  const type = 'text/plain';
  const blob = new Blob([webflowData], { type });
  const data = [
    new ClipboardItem({
      [type]: blob,

  1. Now, select/click/focus on the Webflow component that you wish to copy the JSON data of.
  2. Press CTRL+C or CMD+C
  3. Check the console logs in the dev tools and copy the JSON data from there to further use it in your code as per your prefernece.

Available methods:

  • updateCopyData(): Updates the JSON data to be copied.

    newCopyData: Record<string, unknown>The new JSON data of the element to be copied
  • updateTextContent(): Updates the button's text content.

    newText: stringThe new text to be displayed


import { CopyJSONButton } from '@finsweet/ts-utils';

// The JSON data of the element to be copied
import copyData from './webflow-component.json';

window.Webflow ||= [];
window.Webflow.push(() => {
  // The element to trigger the copy on click
  const element = document.querySelector<HTMLAnchorElement>('#fs-trigger');
  if (!element) return;

  // Initializing the method
  new CopyJSONButton({ element, copyData, successText: 'Copied! Paste in Webflow' });


This util acts as a controller for elements that have a Webflow Ix2 click interaction binded to it.

element: HTMLElement / stringWebflow element/ selector that has the Mouse Click interaction
duration?: Number / Partial<Interaction['duration']>Optionally, the duration can be explicitly set so the trigger methods will return an awaitable Promise.

Available methods:

  • isActive(): Checks if the interaction is active.

    Return value: Boolean
  • isRunning(): Checks if the interaction is running.

    Return value: Boolean
  • untilFinished(): Returns a promise that fulfills when the current running interaction has finished

    Return value: An awaitable Promise


import { Interaction } from '@finsweet/ts-utils';

window.Webflow ||= [];
window.Webflow.push(async () => {
  // Trigger element that has a Mouse Click interaction
  const triggerElement = document.querySelector('[fs-element="ix2-trigger"]') as HTMLElement;

  // Initializing Interaction
  const interaction = new Interaction({ element: triggerElement, duration: 300 });

  // This won't run because the first click hasn't been triggered yet.

  // Triggers the first click interaction, only when allowed. Returns a Promise that can be awaited.
  await interaction.trigger('first');

  // Returns if the first click has been fired.

  // Returns if the interaction is still running.

  // Triggers the second click interaction, only when allowed. Returns a Promise that can be awaited.

  // Returns a Promise that resolves once the ongoing interaction (if triggered) finishes.
  await interaction.untilFinished();


This util helps to show/hide an element using built-in fade animations or no animations at all. It also works with Webflow interactions.

element: HTMLElement / stringThe main element
interaction?: InteractionParamsIf the display must be controlled through a Webflow interaction
displayProperty?: typeof DisplayController['displayProperties'][number];The display property of the element when displayed. Not applicable when interaction parameters ara passed to the instance, as it's assumed that the Webflow interaction will set the display property. Defaults to block.
noTransition?: booleanIf set to true, the element will be straight showed / hidden without any transition.
startsHidden?: booleanIf set to true, the element will be set to display: none.
Available displayProperty options:

Available methods:

  • isVisible(): Checks if element is visible

    Return value: Boolean
  • show() Displays the element

    Return value: An awaitable Promise
  • hide() Hides the element

    Return value: An awaitable Promise


import { DisplayController } from '@finsweet/ts-utils';

const API_BASE = '';
const API_URI = '/pokemon/ditto';
window.Webflow ||= [];
window.Webflow.push(async () => {
  // Quering the target element, which in this case is a loader
  const loadingElement = document.querySelector('#fs-loader') as HTMLElement;

  // Initialises DiplayController
  const loadingDisplayController = new DisplayController({
    element: loadingElement,
    displayProperty: 'block',
    noTransition: true,
    startsHidden: true,

  // shows the loader while the API is fetching the data;

  // awaiting the API Promise
  const pokemons = await fetch(API_BASE + API_URI);

  // hides the loader once the API is done fetching the data

Released under the ISC License.