How to add an attribute:

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CMS Attribute

Apply custom attributes with CMS fields. Use with CMS Collection List and Template page.


loads per month

CMS Attribute
Step #1

Copy the Solution <script> and paste into the <head> of your page

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Copy Script
Step #2

Implement in Webflow

Apply attributes to elements on the page

Below is a list of elements and options that are used to create this Attributes functionality. Click any of them to see more details.

Option 1: Static "name"

Most common and recommended implementation approach. Usually custom attribute "name" does not need to be dynamic. Option 1 is a more simple setup which keeps "name" outside of Webflow CMS dynamic fields.

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I want this
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[All Webflow elements accepted]

to have a CMS generated custom attribute.
See how it works
see webflow attributes
Add this attribute
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The element that will receive the custom attribute.

For example, if we want to add the custom CMS attribute to an image, this attribute would be placed on that image.

For example, if we want to set the attribute slide-dots = 3 on a slider dots wrapper, we would set fs-cmsattribute-target = slide-dots on the slider dots wrapper.
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I want this

Text Block, Heading, Paragraph

to be the value of the attribute.
See how it works
see webflow attributes
Add this attribute
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Placed on a text element. Sets the value of the custom attribute.

This text element holds the value that we want to use for the custom attribute

For example, if we want to set the attribute slide-dots = 3 on a slider docs wrapper, we would set fs-cmsattribute-target = slide-dots on a text element that has a plain-text value of 3.

Option 2: CMS dynamic "name"

In the event we need to dynamically control the custom attribute "name", we can use Option 2. This requires one additional step to make the "name" value dynamic and managed by Webflow CMS fields.

In the example below, we use the IDENTIFIER "slide-dots-match" to make a relationship between the target, name, and value.

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I want this
div block icon

[All Webflow elements accepted]

to have a CMS generated custom attribute.
See how it works
see webflow attributes
Add this attribute
copy icon
copy icon
The element that will receive the custom attribute.

For example, if we want to add the custom CMS attribute to an image, this attribute would be placed on that image.

For example, if we want to set the attribute slide-dots = 3 on a slider docs wrapper, we can set fs-cmsattribute-target = slide-dots-match on the slider dots wrapper.
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I want this

Text Block, Heading, Paragraph

to be the name of the attribute.
See how it works
see webflow attributes
Add this attribute
copy icon
copy icon
Placed on a text element. Sets the name of the custom attribute.

This text element holds the name that we want to use for the custom attribute

Custom attributes follow this structure: name = value

For example, if we want to set the attribute slide-dots = 3 on a slider docs wrapper, we can set fs-cmsattribute-name = slide-dots-match on a text element that has a plain-text value of slide-dots.
navigator arrow
I want this

Text Block, Heading, Paragraph

to be the value of the attribute.
See how it works
see webflow attributes
Add this attribute
copy icon
copy icon
Placed on a text element. Sets the value of the custom attribute.

This text element holds the value that we want to use for the custom attribute

For example, if we want to set the attribute slide-dots = 3 on a slider docs wrapper, we would set fs-cmsattribute-value = slide-dots on a text element that has a plain-text value of 3.
Note — CMS Attribute can not be used to apply CMS Load attributes

This works: CMS Attribute works with CMS Load. We can use these two solutions together. For example, we can have a CMS List with CMS Load applied + CMS Attribute applied to items in the list.

This does not work: We can not apply any CMS Load attributes via this CMS Attributes solution. For example, we can not apply fs-cmsload-mode = pagination through this CMS Attribute solution.

Working examples

See this solution working live in this Webflow project.

Example 1
Copy and paste this example directly on Webflow
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