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CMS Previous Next

Create previous and next items on Webflow CMS Templates


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CMS Previous Next
Step #1

Copy the Solution <script> and paste into the <head> of your page

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Copy Script
Step #2

Implement in Webflow

Apply attributes to elements on the page

Below is a list of elements and options that are used to create this Attributes functionality. Click any of them to see more details.

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I want to use this

Collection List or Collection List Wrapper

See how it works
see webflow attributes
as the source of my Previous and Next item
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This is the CMS Collection List that will be used to generate the "Previous" and "Next" content.

*IMPORTANT: There must be a url link to the Template page of each item. See screenshot of setup below.

Based on this url link to the Template page, Attributes will look in this Collection List for the current item. This is the CMS Template page the user is on. Based on the current item, Attributes will find the Previous and Next item.

The Previous item in the list will be placed in the previous element. The Next item will be placed in the next element.

This list can be hidden on the page with display: none. It is only used to generate the content for the Previous and Next post.
how to add cms previous next list attribute
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I want this
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Div Block

to hold the Previous item in the list
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see webflow attributes
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This Div Block will be the parent wrapper of the "Previous" CMS Item in the list.

See definition of "Next" and "Previous" in the list attribute description.
how to add cms previous attribute
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I want this
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Div Block

to hold the Next item in the list
See how it works
see webflow attributes
Add this attribute
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This Div Block will be the parent wrapper of the "Next" CMS Item in the list.

See definition of "Next" and "Previous" in the list attribute description.
how to add cms next attribute

Working examples

See this solution working live in this Webflow project.

Previous Next items on CMS Template page
Copy and paste this example directly on Webflow
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Coming soon
View example on CMS Template page

Combinations using CMS Previous Next:

You can combine this Attribute with others to create more complex solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about this attributes solution.

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