
CMS tabs with dynamic number of tab panes and links

Use cases

Dynamic tabs count
You need a tabs component that has a dynamic amount of tabs based on how many items are in the CMS Collection.
Fixed, high amount of tabs
You need a fixed amount of tabs, but you reach your 20 Collection List per page limit. Set your fixed tab limit by setting a "Limit" on the Collection List.

How to use it

Paste before </body> tag of the page you're working with.

Copy code
<!-- F'in sweet CMS Library for Webflow -->
<script src=""></script>

// immediately/self invoked function. This function executes right away
(function() {
  // create a new Library instance and store it in a variable called "fsTabs"
  var fsTabs = new FsLibrary('.fs-dynamic-feed')  // Class of your hidden CMS collection list

  // run tabs on our instance
    tabComponent: '.fs-tabs',  // Webflow Tabs component
    tabContent: '.fs-tab-content'  // class of the element that will be used for the content of the tab

Code explanation


The variable we created to store our Library instance. The name of the variable can be set to whatever you want.

new FsLibrary

The class of the hidden Collection List that holds our dynamic CMS List.

This is our real feed of data that we want to populate inside the Tabs component. This should be hidden on the page.


The class of the Webflow Tabs component that will display our dynamic CMS List. This class is placed on the native Webflow Tabs component.


The class of the content you want displayed inside the tab link.

If you place the class ~.fs-tab-content~ on a <div> element. The entire <div> including all children elements will be placed inside the tab button for that item.


As of v1.8, tabName as been depreciated. tabContent allows for more powerful tab personalization.

The class of the text that will be the visible name of the tab for that item.

HTML and class setup

IMPORTANT: This is easy to set up. You must understand how to structure your page for this to work.

2 parts:
1) A native Webflow tabs component (tabComponent)

The outer parent of the native Webflow tabs component needs a class. In this example, we call it ~.fs-tabs~

2) A hidden CMS Collection List (new FsLibrary)

The CMS Collect List that will hold the dynamic information we want to display in the tabs component. This will be hidden on the page. In this example, we call it ~.fs-dynamic-feed~

What happens

CMS Library is going create a new ~.fs-tabs-link~ and ~.fs-tabs-pane~ for every item inside of your ~.fs-dynamic-feed~. If you have 50 items inside your ~.fs-dynamic-feed~, there will be 50 ~.fs-tabs-pane~ elements created. We will then "copy" ~.fs-dynamic-content~ and paste it in the ~.fs-tabs-pane~ that was created for that item.

Dynamic tab button content (tabContent)

Add a text element inside your ~.fs-dynamic-content~ element. Give it a class. In this example, we call it ~.fs-tab-name~.

What happens

CMS Library is going "copy" ~.fs-tab-name~ from each item and "paste" it in the ~.fs-tabs-link~ that was created for that item.

Note: as of version 1.8, tabName is depreciated. tabContent allows for more personalized tab content.