Sweet Text adds classes to rich text by adding <span> tags to the content. Maybe you want to apply a class direct to the element itself (like p li h2). Maybe you want to apply a class to the ul list element. With Sweet Text and 1 line of jquery, we can apply our classes anywhere inside the rich text block.
This video shows you how Sweet Text adds classes to parent elements within rich text.
Video Library
What the heck is Sweet Text?
Sweet Text in CMS
Establishing classes in Designer to use with Sweet Text
Create alternate style options for Rich Text using Sweet Text
Technical review of Sweet Text with Chrome inspector
Adding classes to parent elements inside rich text, like p, li, ul, h2, etc.
Create draggable text elements inside a rich text element
Create a sortable list of elements inside a rich text element
Trigger custom popup interaction via CMS rich text field, Sweet Text, and Webflow Interactions