Sending all the Finsweet dev team the biggest props for the new Chrome extension, such an epic idea and will be game-changing for the Webflow community! Amazing work, thank you!

I would like to express my deeply thank you for all the great work you’re doing and sharing with such an amazing generosity. Your videos and websites are so smart, clear and intuitive. Thank you, you're so awsome!


Hi Finsweet. You are all amazing. I just redid my site with Attributes, and it is a work of pure genius. Thank you.

Super useful to push webflow further, love your tuts dude.

Hello, Finsweet! Thank you very much for alll amazing things you created. You videos and projects help me a lot with my project ))

This is awesome! Thank you for contributing so much to the community.

That Finsweet! As always! Thank you very much!!

A masterpiece!


I think I have learned more about Figma from the @thatsfinsweet files than from any other source! The way they are organized is 💯

Cannot WAIT to use the new plugin. Thanks so much guys for all your amazing work creating this!!!

This is awesome!

Thank for the great video!

Damn this is so exciting. Why give all of this away for free?

Thank you for this in depth tutorial and explanation! Super grateful for the Finsweet team for making this so fineasy.

Woah, super cool!!

Thank you! It is just amazing! 🔥🔥🔥

Just wanted to take a moment and say thank you to @Joe Krug @Sweet JS @Sweet JS2 and the entire F’insweet team for all the amazing tools and services you guys are providing for the Webflow community! I first came across F’insweet projects over a year ago, using some of your cloneable sites as a tool to educate myself on the Webflow platform. Since then I’ve become much more familiar with the platform along with some of the limitations it faces. It was only when I was searching for solutions/workarounds to some of these limitations that I stumbled across F’insweets incredible sweetjs powered tools. I am grateful to you guys for the work you’ve put into building all this, the extremely helpful videos you have to accompany the tools, AND the free support you provide to this community. I’m currently working on getting Sweettext implemented in my site’s CMS, but I’m already pumped to start exploring ways to upgrade my site with all the other sweetjs tools. You guys have seriously unlocked a ton of possibilities in Webflow, and I can’t wait to see what else you have on the way!

Hello team and communityI want to say million times thanks.You guys are excellent support for individuals like me that have recently started with Webflow, and thanks to you, I feel like a family.I didn’t have the opportunity to use all your products/solutions jet but what I did use are ABSOLUTELY AWESOME !!!!I am looking forward to growing on this platform and getting more familiar with your solution.Thanks

Excellent stuff once again

Thank you so much... and it's free!

Fantastic! :-)

Incredible! Love it!

Thanks for this! Greatly appreciated

lmao i'm late to the party but i just checked out the Finsweet chrome extension... holy s**t.Thanks guys, really, thanks.

Thank you Finsweet!

Wow, I just added a nested collection of a multi reference field and applied filtering to it… it worked in one go!This is such powerful stuff that it keeps amazing me each time I use it.Thank you all so much for giving this power to the community.

Just launched our company site, thanks for all of your resources that helped us along!

Huge shoutout to @joekrug, @alexiglesias_me, @raymmar_ & the entire @thatsfinsweet team for not only improving the quality of life for no-code developers, but also us Javascript developers who continually push the limits of Webflow.

@here I just wanted to express my profound gratitude to @Sweet JS for sticking with me to solve the “referencing dynamic tabs in the URL” problem. After some trial and error, we finally have it working.Check it out.https://tabs-sandbox-a5d64a.webflow.io/

As @Darren Harroff and others have already said - buying into Pro to help to support all F'insweet's hard work to make the Webflow community as great as it is was a no-brainer. See you in there...

Thank you, this is f'in sweet! 😂🤘

You guys are legit the fucking best. It's wild how quickly you guys release products to the community and for nothing in exchange except the gift of giving. Just discovered class adder and I was thinking to myself damn didn't they just come out with Lottieflow? Knowing that you guys are already working on your next big thing before most people even start to think about theirs is some legit motivation on what is truly possible.Thank you for all the great products and Youtube content you have put out over the years, actually insane.

You guys are basically bullying the rest of us at this point... everything you touch is so polished it is crazy

I can't thank you guys enough! This came at the EXACT time that I needed it and it works beautifully! I appreciate what you all have done for the Webflow community!Once our site is live, I'd love to share the link with you so you all can see you awesomeness in action! Thank again. 😊🙌🏻

Finsweet Amazeballs! Thank you.

Hi everybody, @zbrah on the WF forum here ! So happy to join your community, love your work and the way you do it

Thank you very much for your contribution to improving the usability of Weblow! Every time I mentally thank you for the convenient features that you are doing and I look forward to your every update on the YouTube channel. You are best!:blush:

This is so amazing 🤯🤯🤯 so much power... With great power comes great responsibility though 😄

Very cool animations and overall branding. Look forward to using some of these micro animations in my projects very soon :)

Discovering Webflow was one hell of a brain explosion, I had never felt so empowered in my digital life.Digging into finsweet CMS library and pushing pages to production in the time I though would take to just read documentation? Hell of a brain explosion as well! I feel like a better designer already.And the code builder UI… that tab will never close. And the fact like my entire life I found code pages and repos how-to were missing the essential, now Finsweet proves me right by making the explanations start from the beginning, for designers that aren’t coders, and producing well commented code.People at Finsweet, I love you. You made my week magic. :heart:

Going to say this til' I'm blue in the face ... F'n Sweet!

Awesome stuff my friend, thanks

Thank you so much for everything you do! Amazing work guys! :white_check_mark::sunglasses:

This is awesome, thank you finsweet


please never stop making these. When webflow takes up a larger market share, you will have so many newbies like me flocking to your content!

Game changer.

Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you for the library! It took a bit of time to make it work (I was probably missing some coma or something...) but I finally managed even if I have no clue of javascript. Keep up the amazing work you are doing guys! Thank you so much!

Love it!

Thank you very much nice and beautiful people at F'insweet.You were not only helpful but proactive in helping and for that you have my gratitude!

You guys are the best!

Joe thank you. Fin sweet is amazing! The down side is that I don’t find the pricing page for all these goods….

Thank you Joe and Finsweet for this. You have no idea how much this helps. Thank you.

Hey legends, thanks a lot for the products you are putting out. Just used my first sweetjs filter on a project and love the implementation.

You're a legend for doing this


Recently came across Client-First by @thatsfinsweetSuper dope 🤗Building with Webflow about to get lit 🔥🔥#NoCode

Awesome work!

Finsweet is awesome! I'm so happy to be here :smile:

Update — I think I'm going all in on Client First, build on first site so far was a breeze, didn't slow me down at all, quite the opposite. F*n yeah @thatsfinsweet!

The legendary Finsweet, at it again. Awesome work!!!! 🔥

I’m so grateful for all the love you’re giving the Webflow community! You helped me with a tweak needed for my site.

You guys made it! Always top 💪🏻 Joe

I kinda said it in general but wanted to make sure to here. You guys rock! There have been so many little things, from answers to questions on YouTube, to just methods you use in your code, that have been the catalyst for something different on my end. Sometimes, just being able to look at what you've done and think "Finsweet did it, so don't tell me you can't" that helps get over the hurdles. Even my client is stoked that we're building them out with F'in sweet CMS. They love the positivity and trustworthiness that you exude. I love knowing that when they have ideas and additions long after I deliver the goods, they'll have great docs and videos to look to from you too. Thank you so much for inspiring myself and my team!

Love this content ! So glad you kept going. Amazing functionality from Attributes CMS Filter. Great to see it implemented and in action 😊

Whoah that’s way too easy. Genius!

Thanks! It was a great help! I wanted to implement similar functionality into my website

while I am here... and I have been here before and said thanks but I must say it again: Finsweet – what you have created with Attributes and client-first is AB-SO-LUTELY freaking mind blowing. Literally. Whenever I see something new or discover yet another awesome function I literally gasp sometimes.We are only a new and small agency at the moment and I am working my way into everything attributes at the moment, specially CMS sort and filtering and client-first of course, but all these things will allow us to grow, really grow as all of this stuff brings so much power to our hands. Elegant power, just like Webflow itself!I have been developing websites for many years, than took a break for some years ONLY to now come back to all of this! It's kind of ridiculous sometimes and when looking at a lot of the other webpages... I can't comprehend how many really bad and ugly websites there still out there. Lots of potential!Ok. So thank you once again Finsweet, Joe, Raymar, Alex, Simon and all the other unknown souls behind this crazy great stuff that you are building and putting out for us. Truly grateful for this from the bottom of my heart. Have a great weekend y'all

This is awesome man! 🔥

Great walkthrough Joe. I'm implementing this on a client project right now. Thank you!

Huge thanks to you guys for enabling us to do these advanced functionalities so easily! Also thanks for this support channel! I was encouraged to join because I've heard Joe talking about this on the F'in Growth podcast. So stoked to be here! :pray::v::skin-tone-2:

whaaaaaaaat!!!!! 🤯this is amazing!

wooow! amazing work!

Dude I love this wow!

I’ve used Lottieflow a lot, it’s f’in helpful and really easy to use. Awesome job @thatsfinsweet 🔥

From our first call I knew that I was speaking to a creative visionary.

Very very important video on complex filtering in webflow.! Thanks very much @finsweet ! Much appreciated. Cant thank enough haha !!!

This is such a huge upgrade from the old class based system! Love it.

Right from the start it felt like Finsweet was an extension of our own team, dropping directly into our existing workflow on Slack. They approached complicated concepts with an astonishing creative intuition, often coming up with fresh new ideas and illustrations on the spot during our conversations. Whenever I need a shot of dopamine I open up a page and start scrolling through those gorgeous animations!

I definitely try to keep up with your videos on YouTube! You guys do some INCREDIBLE stuff. Blowin mah miiiind!

Finsweet just wanted to say thank you for your Weglot videos and language switchers. Also thank you for the dynamic filters and the awesome code.

Very Very Good Sir

Came across the CMS Library less than 48 hours ago after pulling my hair out with MixItUp, and now I can’t stop reading the docs, watching the videos, and trying things out! Big shout out to the people behind Finsweet. I know very few people who would make this kind of contribution to a community without asking for anything in return. It’s a breath of fresh air right now, so just want to say thank you through the proper channel!

Thanks guys for the beautiful event :grinning: and I was thinking that should be three times a year, one is too little :upside_down_face:

Hey @Sweet JS Team, love the work you’re doing on here! Truly value-adding with all the tutorial videos, documentation and free support on here. Keep it up:muscle::skin-tone-4:

Thanks to Finsweet to being absolutely incredible!

Really great this, such an leap forward

6moI agree with Britni — I’ve taken a look at some of the things you’ve put on Webflow - definitely next level!

My goodness dude this is exactly what I need to do on a project next week. Very well explained - thank you so much! SUBSCRIBED.

I've huge respect and love for @thatsfinsweet because when I started learning webflow I was scared of class naming and structure and at that time finsweet landed their client-first system and after that when I was scared of advance cms then finsweet landed their attributes, I was saved and it's just magical now to build sites much faster then ever.

Once again thank you! Exactly what I was looking for!

Over 12 months since I found Webflow and after more clones than Star Wars, I've found Finsweet. Client First is the non-technical, logical flow I needed and I'm excited to start building with those principles and to contribute to the community. Thank you for all you've built so

Fin sweet is a god send. Thanks for doing it

Just added a note to the support channel but also wanted to say how much you guys have revolutionised the reach of our teams capacity on Webflow. Really is an amazing service you guys have with the product, support and tutorials. Massive thank you!

Thanks!!I tried out Sweet Text on a large Webflow site I did for JAS www.JAS.com, and it works great! Thanks! I think this will be quite useful for us.I was able to make some ul sublists using the custom code from your video. I did have to add a DOMContentLoaded event listener to make it work though. Also, it might be helpful to remind users to keep their class names in lowercase even though Webflow allows them with uppercase.I’m having a little trouble overriding the left, center, and right alignment for headings, so I’ll pop over to direct messages and ask if you have some advice on that.

Joe and Finsweet saving my day once again, Webflow kings!

Confession: I had no idea what the F'nsweet CMS library was that everyone was talking about.. then after trying to learn about it I felt hopeless for a moment as if I would never understand it. After watching ONE explainer video from the team I was LIT, this CMS library is out of this world. Thanks for empowering the world, Finsweet!

I consider this an official Webflow release, that’s how good it is. I can’t thank you all enough!