This Slack community is awesome. I’m glad we finally have an official Finsweet Slack group to interact with other people from the community

Hey Hey from Bristol, UK. I wanted to start by saying thanks for all your the free tutorials and tools. Such as awesome contribution to the community.

This is one beautiful, functional work of art!

Nice work, I used #20 on a project today! Thanks Joe!

You guys are awesome. Can not wait to work with you some day! :)

This is beyond f-ing epic, forever grateful for the incredible amount of time I've saved.

Guys, they did an amazing job ! Just implemented Attributes in a project of mine and OMG this is crazy.

Hey guys! Many thanks for developing all these awesome tools for us to work with & offering support too. Much appreciated!

Again, thank you so much for this. This and #16 was exactly what I needed to save my behind. Thank you so much

Just started using this library. Much appreciated!

Hello Guys, thank you for amazing stuff for Webflow! Your solutions are bringing Webflow to the higher level.

Hi Joe, this is amazing and so detailed - exactly what I needed, thank you!

It was very helpful for me

Landed my first @webflow build only project 🥳 Gotta give thanks once again to @thatsfinsweet client-first which I heavily used as a selling point.

Haha I am literally pumped :grin: GDPR is a massive pain for us Europeans. I love that the plug-in includes the full compliance options.

This library is awesome! Not only a great set of tools, but amazing support as well Your kind make the world spin a little more happily

Absolutely incredible service level. Problem solved in a matter of 2 hours which would have taken me forever. Hats off to that kind of professional attitude!

Just quickly looked through the finsweet cookie consent, and felt the need to say it looks fantastic! Huge thanks you guys! Will start implementing this on a few sites very soon

I continue to be 🤯. Thank you for dropping this knowledge on us!

People use words like "life-changing", "game-changing" and such too easily. What I love about "Client-first" is that it's SO FUCKING OBVIOUS (it's also obvious how much blood, sweat and tears went in to making it, thanks.)

Started implementing the CMS Library and it’s f’in sweet you guys! Great and easy to understand tutorials make it a breeze to implement it into my website

OMG! Can’t wait to try it!

Consistently having to shake my head at the brilliance of the products developed by @thatsfinsweet - client-first and attributes are game-changers for Webflow and FREE!

This videos have helped me a ton and are super high production value -- super super underrated channel here!

Thanks to @RR Abrot for telling me about this awesome product and the great youtube videos!

thank u Joe and Raymmar for the youtube livestream 'Finding balance in business. Mental Health + Webflow'. its extremely helpful. Great to be part of Finsweet community!

Wonderful tutorial !

SOOOO Awesome! Love it!

This is a good one!

Many Thanks for this tutorial for CMS Filtering! I'm using it and it works great.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bgU2KpCUWk

Another great hack! Thanks for sharing these.

I LOVE the pricing animation. Awesome job!

Love this!

As a Marketer, I have worked with a lot of web developers and I have never met someone as professional as Joe and the Finsweet team! He is making my life so easy. He keeps everything organized and on schedule. He knows how to use his best judgement to connect the dots when he is missing a piece of information and knows when to take initiatives. Not only does he execute perfectly, he also has a great vision and gives awesome advice.

WOW. What you guys are doing always leaves me in awe.

Impressive work

Hello from India thanks looking forward to learn amazing stuff from you guys

man this is awesome! thank you so much!

Hey everyone!! Here to say a BIG thank you to Finsweet and whoever worked at the F'insweet CMS library! I managed to add 2 filters (exclusive) to a collection list for a very important client project!

To the FinSweet team - You guys are awesome! I just started using webflow about a month and a half ago and I've already watched nearly all your videos. Your amount of content is amazing and brings great value to any who would just pick it up. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for new interesting content.Hope I can one day do as much as you for the community.

This worked. You rock!

I actually love you guys! Leaders of the Webflow community

Super cool! can’t wait to take a deeper look

So helpful. Thank you for making this.

Cheers for all the work and libraries guys! Super helpful and informative!

Sweet JS is AMAZING! Do you guys have like a PayPal or something where we can put some money for a few beers or something? What you do and how helpful you guys are is really something cool!

Thank you so so so much. Is there a place I could buy you guys a coffee or something? This library helps me a lot! Finsweet

Again, just Finsweet Sir, thats mindblowing! Thank you very miuch for this!

Beyond awesome, this is probably the most spectacular website (& storytelling) I've ever seen. Awesome job!!

Hi! I just found out that this Slack channel exists :scream: What can I say, thanks to your library I finished two big projects and started another one. Game changer really. Well done guys!

Great stuff. Love that!

You guys are so awesome and helpful. Thank you!

Hey Finsweet! I just wanted to say Thanks a lot for helping me out with an infinite scrolling for multiple collection lists. It was a key feature that my client wanted and it's been a headache for me for quite a while, because I have 0 experience with code. I don't know what I could do if there wasn't for free support from Fin Sweet team.

Hi everyone, this is Xavier from Brussels, . First post to say Hi and thanking @Sweet JS team and whole community for the incredible job! What you are all doing is simply FANTASTIC! Un grand bravo!

Hi F'in sweet, I honestly can't thank you enough for everything you are sharing! You've made my work SO much easier, your teaching, resources and everything - it's just perfect!!

Shoutout to @thatsfinsweet and the folks that worked on their Client First System. You guys did an amazing job! I think it's fantastic that you guys touched on the importance of html tags and accessibility. The docs are great. Concise and clear. Great work you guys! 🙌🏼

OMG this is exactly what I was looking for. You should set up a Patreon!

This is great!

Awesome show guys, excited to be part of this community and it's growth. Can't wait for the new products :raised_hands:

A huge thank you to the team. Webflow is an undoubtedly powerful tool for the design community, but you've given us that extra edge to really make some very special things and to create this slack channel for that extra support is incredible. Thank you so much.

Thank you!I have been building with Webflow for years, and I would consider myself an expert. I have found that to truly offer many of my clients the solutions that they require for their sites, I need more functionality than WF offers out of the box. I have paid for solutions, written code myself or just accepted some of the shortcomings that there are in the software.Until now. I am able to cover 90% of my client needs with 10% of the work now that I have found Fin Sweet.Webflow set out to make top notch sites with no-code. For some, it is acceptable. For those of us who need more, but don't want to 100% work for 100% output, Fin Sweet makes this possible, reasonable and effortless.Fin Sweet is the reason I have not moved on.Thank you, Joe and the FinSweet Crew!You have taken WF where it was meant to be!

This is amazing! Thank you for taking your time to improve our life this much! really appreciate it!

Hi Everyone! Glad I landed here! It's like I found a water in dessert, specially when I don't know anything about coding.Thanks Finsweet Team for webflow hacks, I have saved lot of time and learning a lot from this!

Shout out to fs! CMS library is amazing. Thanks for this service.

I like your videos. They helped me understand the project that I am currently working on. Thanks

Hey Finsweet! Just want to say how grateful I am for SweetJS! It has already saved me a ton of work and works better than what I'd ever be able to do myself!

Woah...The Client-first Style System that @thatsfinsweet just released is about to become a best practice in @webflow development...Get on the train!

absolute legend!

Going to say this til' I'm blue in the face ... F'n Sweet!

Made 2 projects with client first system by @thatsfinsweet and now I’m permanently shifting to their system.

Brilliantly made.

Finsweet doing God's work here! Thank you some much guys! 🙏

muchas gracias!!!

Thanks for the video companion to the CMS Nest attribute! Seeing the video helped me figure out what I was missing.

Your library is 'fin amazing, and the tutorials are just perfect. Can't believe you are offering all of this for free. Definitely gonna let my fellow developers know about this. Thank you so much and stay finsweet!

just wow

Awesome 😍👍💪👏

@thatsfinsweet ’s attributes for tabbed content, filtering, etc are incredible. So easy and so functional!

Y'all are freaking amazing! Thanks for everything you do!!

Great support and an amazing library. Thanks guys!

Thank you

Thanks, guys, I solely use your stuff for everything:) Excite to see what comes out of the factory next

We started up 18 months ago, and if it weren't for you, we definitely would have lost a substantial amount of client cases, also being the biggest clients. Being that our background was sales, there's no way we could've served them on other platforms than Webflow, and without the tools and tutorials you've provided. For that I'm forever grateful:raised_hands: I would love to buy some pizza or something and send it to your office sometime:pray:

For designing in webflow — @thatsfinsweet attributes and Client-first design system.

Exactly what i need! Thank you so much Joe for sharing and explaining clearly how it works

Awesome video! Will try now :)

Wow... It looks so easy. I'm gonna rebuild an entire page that used CMS Library to try it. fantastic work as always, thanks Finsweet !

Great stream today @thatsfinsweet. The more I see about Client-first (https://finsweet.com/client-first) the more excited I get to use it.

thank you so much!!

This is so cool! Cant wait to see more of your work!

Thanks to everyone at F'insweet for all that you've done and continue to do. I couldn't have done what I'm doing without you. I'm not sure I can say anything that's not already been said.

If you're a @webflow developer, you need to start using @thatsfinsweet client first system for all your projects.It will help you in:-✓ SEO✓ Structure of your sections✓ Scanning through your project.✓ Scalability✓ Time-saveing

Happy to be here. Thanks for offering such a valuable service to the community. Can't wait to see what kind of projects are built.

Just wanted to say THANK YOU! I haven't used much of it as my coding knowledge is a still little shy (i really want to understand everything properly), but making all this available is freackin fantastic. Super grateful.

👍👍Thank you! I am watching all of your videos!

Amazing, you guys rock! 👌

Hi you all! Lucas from Tarragona (Spain) here! Just joined this awesome slack community. I only want to say: THANKS. You guys are awesome. The way you help the community offering free products that make our work easier is PRICELESS.You are literally the best.

Autolike:D As usual, a useful video

UNREAL! Awesome work!

Love you guys finsweet

Good stuff man