Webflow Libraries component
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Step #2
Implement in Webflow
Apply attributes to elements on the page
Below is a list of elements and options that are used to create this Attributes functionality. Click any of them to see more details.
Add this attribute
The form input the user can increment and decrement the value of.
Use the "Number" input type. If "Number" is not set in the input settings, Attributes will be automatically convert the input to type="number".
By default, the native browser input arrows are hidden using custom CSS. These are the small "up" and "down" arrows inside the number input.
Use the "Number" input type. If "Number" is not set in the input settings, Attributes will be automatically convert the input to type="number".
By default, the native browser input arrows are hidden using custom CSS. These are the small "up" and "down" arrows inside the number input.
Add this attribute
Optionally set an initial value for the input.
For example, setting a value of "100" will set the initial value of the input to "100". Setting a value of "0" will set the initial value to "0"
The default functionality is no initial value. By not adding this attribute on the input, the input will have no value.
For example, setting a value of "100" will set the initial value of the input to "100". Setting a value of "0" will set the initial value to "0"
The default functionality is no initial value. By not adding this attribute on the input, the input will have no value.
Add to the element with fs-inputcounter-element = "input"
Add this attribute
By default, Attributes hides the native arrows inside the number input. This is to avoid two UI options for incrementing and decrementing the value.
To show the native number arrows, apply this attribute to the input.
To show the native number arrows, apply this attribute to the input.
Add to the element with fs-inputcounter-element = "input"
Apply native HTML number attributes
The browser native step, min and max HTML attributes are used instead of custom attributes for accessibility reasons.
Add this attribute
The "step" between each increment and decrement click.
For example, if step is set to 2, and the input is at 0, the first increment click will increase the input to 2. The second click will increase the value to 4. The third click will increase the value to 6.
For example, if step is set to 2, and the input is at 0, the first increment click will increase the input to 2. The second click will increase the value to 4. The third click will increase the value to 6.
Add to the element with fs-inputcounter-element = "input"
Developer documentation
Check the dev documentation
Next time implement inside Webflow
Use Finsweet Extension