How to use Cookie-Compliant Google Fonts in Webflow

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Google Fonts collect users’ data, meaning that using Google Fonts on your website may violate GDPR guidelines and put you at risk. Check below to learn how you should use Google Fonts in Webflow.

Follow this step-by-step guide to use Google Fonts:


Delete the fonts in the 'Added Google Fonts' section if you have any.

Go to Site Settings > Fonts and delete the fonts in the 'Added Google Fonts' section.

Webflow's Google Fonts integration requires the use of the Google Fonts API, which sends end user IP addresses to Google servers and may not be GDPR-compliant. To avoid sending end user IP addresses to Google servers, we recommend downloading the fonts from Google and uploading them as custom fonts.


Go to Google Fonts and search for the font you need.

Go to the Google Fonts website and use the search bar to find the font you need.


Click on 'Get font' to access the font's page.

Access the font's page by clicking on the 'Get font' button.


Download the font.

Click on the 'Download font' button to get the font files.


Upload the font in the Custom Font section.

Click on the 'Upload' button and upload the fonts you downloaded. To be fully Cookie Consent compliant, we need to upload our fonts to Webflow.


Update the font style of your elements in the Webflow canvas.

Once the custom fonts are uploaded, make sure to update all elements in Webflow with the new custom font.


Publish your project! Done!

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