Explore the possibilities with Finsweet Slider

Custom Navigation Buttons
Allows users to create and use personalized navigation controls for slide transitions
Custom Slider Dots
Displays navigation dots indicating the position of each slide in the carousel
Progress Bar Navigation
Shows slide progress as a visual progress bar indicating the current position within the slides
Fraction Pagination
Displays the slide progress as a fraction, showing the current slide number out of the total number of slides
Scroll Bar
Provides a draggable scrollbar for navigating through slides
Allows users to navigate slides by dragging them with a mouse or touch
Allows slides to transition vertically instead of horizontally
Slides per view Auto
Adjusts the number of visible slides based on the container’s width for a responsive display
Keeps the active slide centered within the view
Slide to Clicked Slide
Allows users to navigate directly to a slide by clicking on it
Infinite Loop
Allows slides to loop seamlessly from the end to the beginning for an endless cycling effect
Keyboard Control
Enables users to navigate through slides using the keyboard
Mousewheel Control
Enables users to navigate through slides using the mouse wheel
Automatically transition through slides at a set interval without user interaction
Thumbs Gallery
Displays a secondary set of thumbnail slides for navigating the main slides
Links multiple Swiper instances to synchronize their navigation
Slide Active
Slide Active Class highlights the currently active slide with a specific CSS class
Slide Previous
Slide Previous Class applies a specific CSS class to the slide immediately preceding the active slide
Slide Next
Slide Next Class applies a specific CSS class to the slide immediately following the active slide
Fade Effect
Smoothly transitions slides by fading one out while fading the next one in
Auto Height
Adjusts the container’s height to fit the height of the currently active slide

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