Design beautiful Sliders with the power of Webflow
CMS or static content
Build scrolling marquees with CMS collections or static elements
Multi-directional flow
Allows users to navigate slides by dragging them with a mouse or touch.
Seamless animation
Perfect continuous motion without jumps or glitches
smooth infinite marquees created with
smooth infinite marquees created with
smooth infinite marquees created with
smooth infinite marquees created with
smooth infinite marquees created with
smooth infinite marquees created with
Full style control
Customize every visual aspect using Webflow's design tools
Interactions ready
Add any Webflow interaction to your marquee elements
Smart pause
Automatically pause on hover for better content engagement
Per breakpoint speed control
Finely adjust scroll speed per breakpoint for optimal mobile experience
See the UI
How does it work?
The ultimate Slider video that will change the way you build Sliders in Webflow.