Who is Vincent Bidaux?

Who is this guy answering everyone in the forum??? Does he work at Webflow?

That was my first thought of Vincent 8 years ago. He was one of the very few helpful people in the Webflow forum in 2016. At this time, there was little to no Webflow content or learning resources. The Webflow Forum was the go-to resource for Webflow education and Vincent was one of the most helpful people there. 8 years later, Vincent has acquired “legend” status. If you've been using Webflow for a while, this is indisputable.

I remember coming across Manifest.wf (then called inb4) for the first time. I thought, “WOW, this is impressive. How does he think of this?” The learning resource wasn't filled with normal Webflow solutions and demos. Each one had a special touch of creativity—A unique approach with surprisingly simple, yet technical solutions. I remember being very impressed with this mysterious Vincent guy.

Now we have the undisputed legend of Webflow on our team.

When I tell “Webflow people” about Vincent joining Finsweet, everyone has the same reaction—Eyes open wide, head shoots back, and mouth opens wide in surprise. 100% of the time. It’s the same reaction I saw when Kai Jolly (@keejo) joined Finsweet a few years ago.

What’s most exciting about bringing Vincent to Finsweet is the new brain power we inherit. Vincent knows Webflow as a platform better than anyone I know, which will surely give us a deeper perspective into our users. He may know Webflow better than... anyone?

Bidaux-level knowledge paired with his wildly creative mind is going to make us a stronger company with better products.

First tasks at Finsweet: Do my job

I’m excited to say that Vincent will be joining our product team with a focus on Attributes and Webflow Apps.

Since the start of Attributes, I’ve been a operations manager and project lead. I write the initial solution specs to present to developers, create the initial demo, work with devs to test and answer questions about the solution, work with design and UI team to implement the solution in the docs, write the docs, and lots of other things that come up in Attributes product development. I am an active member of this team, both in executing and managing.

I think I’m doing well at this position. However, I think Vincent will do better.

The best part of hiring is when you hire someone who is better than you. His level of Webflow knowledge far exceeds mine and his meticulousness is on a different level. Both skills will lead him to success in this position. I think he’ll do really well growing our Attributes repository of solutions.

He’ll play a similar role in our Webflow Apps development. Making draft UIs, communicating ideas to developers and designers, testing, and prioritizing the roadmap are all tasks that will be assigned to Vincent.

With those delegations, I have cleared 30-50% of my working day. I’ll have to add this milestone to How to be a CEO in the background by learning to delegate everything.

What’s next?

Finsweet will continue building core growth products—Webflow Apps, Attributes, and Wized. All three were designed to be very scalable, and our goal is to scale each one. Each product has the same goal—To provide you the most amount of value as a Webflow developer.

We’re excited to welcome Vincent Bidaux to Finsweet to help us achieve that goal.

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