English is a barrier

English is the primary language for information about website development. Most web content, and specifically Webflow content, is based in English.

This is great if you are fluent in English.

If you are not fluent in English, this is a challenge. For some people, this may be the reason they can't learn Webflow.

Imagine someone who learns about Webflow, becomes motivated to grow a business around Webflow, and they’re constantly blocked in learning due to the language barrier.

There must be something done about the lack of resources in non-English languages.

That’s why we went on a mission to translate Client-First into many different languages.

French started it all

Our translation initiative began when Florian and Thibaut approached Finsweet with a request to translate Client-First into French.

We thought, “Yes, of course. Why not?” We had no idea where that would lead us.

With Florian and Thibaut actively translating Client-First content and creating training videos, we saw an opportunity for the community to get involved. We believed there were more passionate individuals like our French collaborators.

Translating Client-First into French was just the beginning. We soon realized that if the docs were available in French, they should be available in as many languages as possible.

We launched a “Be a Client-First Translator” campaign to get our first batch of translators, which was a huge success.

A few weeks after the campaign, we had 10 languages scheduled to launch in 2023.

Kudos to the translators!

We extend maximum gratitude and appreciation to the Client-First translators who are making our vision a reality.

These wonderful people are dedicating their time and effort to ensure that people who speak their native language can access Client-First without any language barriers.


🇫🇷 French (France)

✅ Launched

Florian Bodelot @florian_bodelot and Thibaut Legrand @lgd_thibaut


🇵🇭 Tagalog (The Philippines)

✅ Launched

JP Dionisio @jpthedio


🇵🇱 Polish (Poland)

✅ Launched

Ben Celinski @ben_celinski


🇻🇳 Vietnamese (Vietnam)

✅ Launched

Dang Nguyen @lenonguyen


🇩🇪 German (Germany)

✅ Launched

Sebastian Zimmer @bastizimmer and Christian Schmitt @chris_bytes_x


🇦🇪 Arabic (Arabia)

✅ Launched

Rasheed O.Salem @rasheedosalem



🇧🇷 Portuguese (Brazil)

🚧 In progress

Lucas Machado @lucaompr

🇭🇺 Hungarian (Primarily Hungary, also Slovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia)

🚧 In progress

Daniel Brassnyo @daniel_brassnyo

🇬🇷 Greek (Greece)

🚧 In progress

Maria Karavá - Alkoreiel @Alkoreielm

🇲🇰 Macedonian (Republic of North Macedonia)

🚧 In progress

Vladimir Petroski - @BearStareDotOrg

Interested in becoming a Client-First Translator?

We’d love to have you join us. Check out our “Become a translator” page on the Client-First docs: https://finsweet.com/client-first/docs/become-a-translator


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