All portfolio BTC empowers young leaders across Canada, revolutionizing mental health through their impactful Be There Certificate course, available in multiple languages.

Finsweet took on the mission to migrate’s WordPress website to a more robust and accessible platform, enhancing the interface and ensuring a seamless user experience. The front-end was meticulously built using Webflow, while the backend was developed using Xano, with Wized bridging the two, creating a harmonious digital experience.
We partnered with to construct an interactive and user-friendly form for their "Be There Certificate" course, enhancing the learning experience for users navigating through vital mental health support content.
Before Webflow
The initial WordPress course was plagued with issues - slow, prone to crashing, and unreliable data storage, making it a challenge for the client to update the course or extract accurate reports.
After Webflow
The transformation led to a fast, secure, and stable course platform that not only eliminated previous headaches but also provided a solid foundation for future content addition and course growth.
Highlighted Features
- Custom Learning Management System: Interactive content and a Questions and Answers System, available in three languages.
- Email Reminder System: Utilizing Xano Background Tasks and SendGrid.
- Personalized Certificate Generator: Offering a tangible reward upon course completion.

Technical Features
- Database Migration: Over 60,000 users and 1.2 million relevant records were migrated, utilizing custom Python scripts and executing over 150 SQL statements to transfer the data to the Xano database.
- Live Migration: Ensuring minimal downtime, the old website was transitioned to the new one live, using Cloudflare to swiftly update DNS records.